Name: Aneesh

Age: 28 Yrs

Sex: Male



Case study:  A well-defined irregular non-enhancing hypodense cystic lesion measuring ~ 6.0 x 5.7 x 5.0 cm (CC x TR x AP) showing fluid attenuation (ranging +40 to -22HU) noted closely adjacent to the lower pole of right kidney and extending along the course of proximal ureter caudally for ~ 6.7 cm and significantly displacing it posteriorly.

The lesion is seen abutting the adjacent bowel loop superiorly and closely near to the psoas muscle posteriorly.


Conclusion: Well-defined irregular non-enhancing hypodense cystic lesion in the right perirenal space and extending along the proximal ureter as described. – Features favor’s the possibility of Urinoma in the background of obstructive renal pathology. Suggested Aspiration cytology.

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