Age: 30Yrs

Sex: Male

Complaints: Pain on foot while walking.

Case study: Subchondral high signal noted in the mid aspect of the talus and the calcaneum with small subchondral cystic areas – Apparent on the STIR sequences. Evidence of osteophytic changes with cortical irregularity and narrowing of the talo-calcaneal joint anteriorly. The osteophyte is seen encroaching into the sinus tarsi with narrowing.
The tibio-calcaneal angle (kites angle) is 83 degrees – Normal.
The talo-calcaneal angle is 45 degrees – Abnormal.


Conclusion : Subchondral talo-calcaneal high marrow signals with anterior joint space narrowing, osteophytic formation and encroachment into the sinus tarsi – Suggestive of talo-calcaneal impingement.
Increased talo-calcaneal angle (45 degrees) – Hindfoot valgus.
Peroneus longus and brevis tenosynovitis.