

Uterine Didelphys

Age: 45Yrs Sex: Female Case study: Uterus: Normal in size and shows two separate uteri with widely divergent apices, two separate cervices noted. Normal uterine zone anatomy is preserved in each uteri. Mildly heterogeneous myometrium noted in the right uteri with...

Bartholin’s Cyst

Age: 41Yrs Sex: Female Case Study:  Well-defined T2/STIR hyperintense signal cystic lesion in the postero-lateral aspect of vagina. Images: Conclusion : Postero-lateral wall of vagina shows a cyst as described - Suggestive of likely Bartholin's...

Ovarian Dermoid Cyst.

Age: 41 Yrs Sex: Female Complaints: Right lower abdominal pain. Images: Case study: A large heterogenous exophytic lesion measuring 6.3 x 4.9 cm seen in the right adnexa derived from the ovary showing T1 & T2 hyperintense signal intensity and suppression in the...