Name: Sruthy

Age: 28 Yrs

Sex: Female



Case study:  OVARIES: Right ovary measures 4.6 x 3.4 cm. A well defined thick walled cyst measuring ~3.8 x 3.1 cm noted arising from the right ovary with homogenous low level internal echoes and tiny wall calcification. No evidence of internal septation.

Left ovary measures 4.3 x 1.3 cm, shows an irregular cyst measuring ~20 x 17 mm with minimal low level internal echoes and irregular walls. – Likely corpus luteal cyst.

No adnexal lesions noted. No free fluid in POD.


Conclusion: Well defined thick walled cyst with homogenous low level internal echoes arising from the right ovary as described. – Features in favour of endometriotic cyst.

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