Age: 41 Yrs

Sex: Female

Complaints: Right lower abdominal pain.


Case study: A large heterogenous exophytic lesion measuring 6.3 x 4.9 cm seen in the right adnexa derived from the ovary showing T1 & T2 hyperintense signal intensity and suppression in the STIR sequences. The lesion exhibits irregular solid nodular areas within. Other findings – leiomyomas.

Conclusion: Right adnexal lesion showing typical MRI features of T1/T2 hyperintensity and loss of signal in Fat suppressed sequences with nodular areas suggesting fat contents. – Dermoid cyst of the ovary. Variant – Matured cystic teratoma.

Reference : 1. Mature cystic teratomas are encapsulated tumors with mature tissue or organ components. They are composed of well-differentiated derivations from at least two of the three germ cell layers (i.e. ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm). They, therefore, contain developmentally mature skin complete with hair follicles and sweat glands, sometimes luxuriant clumps of long hair, and often pockets of sebum, blood, fat (93%) 10, bone, nails, teetheyescartilage, and thyroid tissue. Typically their diameter is smaller than 10 cm, and rarely more than 15 cm. Real organoid structures (teeth, fragments of bone) may be present in ~30% of cases.