

Thymic cyst

Thymic cyst

Case courtesy : Dr. Cicy Kuncheria Welcare Hospital Age: 61Yrs Sex: Female Complaints: Recurrent pain over left mid-clavicular region. Case study: A smooth well defined soft tissue mass with fluid attenuation in the anterior mediastinum measuring ~3.9 x 2.9 x 3.4cm...

Cystic Bronchiectasis

Credits : Dr.Nithin Age: 89 Yrs Sex: Female Complaints: Case study: Cluster of cystic spaces of variable size with air fluid level noted in the upper lobe of right lung. Right mild pleural effusion noted. No evidence of any compensatory lung hyperinflation. Images:...


Name: Gowrikutty Age: 80 Yrs Sex: Female Complaints: Introduction: Case study:  Diffuse degenerative changes in the form of flowing osteophytes in the anterior aspect of thoracic vertebrae with loss of disc space and fusion of multiple vertebral bodies. Images...