Diffuse thyroiditis with FNAC

Name: Jayalekshmi

Age: 39 Yrs

Sex: Female

Complaints: To r/o MNG


Case study:  Both lobes of thyroid gland appears bulky and diffusely hypoechoic in echotexture with thin linear hyperechoic bands. Diffusely increased vascularity noted.

There are no focal lesions.


Conclusion: Thyroid gland appears diffusely bulky with hypoechoic echotexture and significantly increased vascularity. – Features in favour of diffuse thyroiditis (TIRADS category 2).

Reference :

Thyroglossal duct cyst

Name: Mukesh

Age: 32 Yrs

Sex: Male

Complaints: C/o neck swelling


Case study:  Well defined thick walled complex cystic lesion with minimal low level internal echoes measuring ~4.2 x 1.8 cm noted in the anterior midline of neck superior to thyroid gland. No significant internal vascularity. Peripheral vascularity noted.


Conclusion: Well defined thick walled complex cystic lesion in the anterior midline of neck superior to normal thyroid gland.  – Features suggestive of thyroglossal duct cyst

Reference :

Pleomorphic Adenoma


Age: 36

Sex: Male

Complaints: C/o right parotid swelling.

Case study : Right parotid gland appears enlarged measures ~5.0 x 3.0 cm with an hypoechoic lesion showing mildly lobulated margins measuring ~3.5 x 2.0 cm with heteroechoic internal echotexture. Minimal internal vascularity. No evidence of calcification.








Conclusion: Well defined mildly lobulated solid hypoechoic lesion in the right parotid gland involving the superficial lobe as described. – Features in favor of Pleomorphic adenoma.



Metastatic Cervical Lymphnode


Age: 69 Yrs

Sex: Male

Complaints: Neck swelling.

Case study:  An heterogenous appearing mass lesion measuring ~4.5 x 1.5 cm noted in the right postero-lateral aspect of neck involving the level III and VA with tiny calcifications and multiple irregular cystic lesions, largest measuring ~3.3 x 2.6 cm with internal echoes.


Conclusion: Solid heterogenous mass lesion in the right lateral aspect of neck involving level III and VA with cystic changes as described (TIRADS category 5).  ? Metastatic lymphnode.


Pleomorphic adenoma

Name: Sajad

Age: 36

Sex: Male

Complaints: H/o neck swelling.


Case study:  A well defined solid hypoechoic lesion measuring ~12 x 10 mm noted in the superficial lobe of right parotid gland. No significant internal vascularity/calcification.


Conclusion: Well defined solid hypoechoic lesion in the superficial lobe of right parotid gland. – Features suggestive of Pleomorphic adenoma.

Reference :