Supra-umbilical Hernia

Name: Shibu

Age: 48 Yrs

Sex: Male



Case study:  An abdominal wall defect measuring ~14 mm noted in the supra-umbilical region with herniation of omental fat as content. Cough impulse positive.


Conclusion: Supra-umbilical Hernia

Reference :


Name: Shibu

Age: 48 Yrs

Sex: Male



Case study:  URINARY BLADDER: The urinary bladder is partially distended. There are no focal lesions, calculi or trabeculae. Numerous floating echogenic internal echoes noted in the bladder. – Pus cells.


Conclusion: Numerous floating echogenic internal echoes in the urinary bladder. – Cystitis. Suggested URE correlation.

Reference :

Supra-umbilical Hernia

Name: Safeena

Age:  38 Yrs

Sex: Female



Case study:  An abdominal wall defect measuring ~26 mm noted in the supra-umbilical region with herniation of omental fat as content. The herniated sac measures ~5.0 x 2.6 cm. Peristaltic movements noted. Cough impulse positive.


Conclusion: Supra-umbilical hernia.

Reference :

Endometriotic cyst

Name: Sruthy

Age: 28 Yrs

Sex: Female



Case study:  OVARIES: Right ovary measures 4.6 x 3.4 cm. A well defined thick walled cyst measuring ~3.8 x 3.1 cm noted arising from the right ovary with homogenous low level internal echoes and tiny wall calcification. No evidence of internal septation.

Left ovary measures 4.3 x 1.3 cm, shows an irregular cyst measuring ~20 x 17 mm with minimal low level internal echoes and irregular walls. – Likely corpus luteal cyst.

No adnexal lesions noted. No free fluid in POD.


Conclusion: Well defined thick walled cyst with homogenous low level internal echoes arising from the right ovary as described. – Features in favour of endometriotic cyst.

Reference :

Acute cholecystitis with cholelithiasis

Name: Ajayakumar

Age: 49 Yrs

Sex: Male

Complaints: H/o right upper quadrant pain


Case study:  The gall bladder is distended and shows thickened, echogenic walls measuring ~5.5 mm in thickness. Two calculi (less echogenic) noted in the body, largest measuring ~4.1 mm. The CBD appears normal. The intra and extra hepatic bile ducts are normal. Subtle trace of free fluid noted in the GB fossa.


Conclusion: Gall bladder appears distended with calculi showing thickened, echogenic walls with minimal pericholecystic fluid. – Acute cholecystitis with cholelithiasis.

Reference :

Inguinal hernia

Name: Sasidharan

Age: 67 Yrs

Sex: Male

Complaints: To r/o right inguinal hernia


Case study:  An abdominal wall defect measuring ~25 mm noted in the right inguinal region with herniation of omental fat and bowel loops as content. Cough impulse positive.

The herniated bowel loop seen extending in to the sub inguinal region, however no bowel contents in the ipsilateral hemiscrotum.


Conclusion: Right inguinal hernia.