Hi & hello everyone,
Thanks for your kind visit through the webpage.
It’S all started from an humble idea of sharing what i have experienced and learned across my daily routine as a radiologist.
Same as me, everyone learned and taught to be radiologist by our beloved teachers, keeping up the same concept of sharing knowledge and case scenario for the betterment of radiology community is the aim behind creating this webpage.
In my radiology life its so often got stucked with diagnostic dilemma with never experienced case scenario & to solve that i either reached out to my teachers or make a quick search through the data available on the internet. But even though few times it ended up in a situtaion where its new to everyone.
This is where i started thinking why cant i share the data i have, that might help somebody somewhere at the right time and would eventually make the patient feel better.
So guys welcome to a small world of radiology, lets unleash the possibilities of grey and white.
Dr Nithesh Ravindran