


Age:  41yr Sex: Male Complaints: Incidental Finding during health check up. Case study:  SPLEEN: The spleen measures 11.4 cm, is normal in contour and echotexture.A well defined round solid lesion showing similar echotexture to spleen measuring ~2.7 x 2.4 cm noted...

Mesenteric Lymphadenopathy

Mesenteric lymphadenopathy Age: 3YR Sex: Male Complaints: H/o abdominal pain. Introduction: Case study: Multiple enlarged mesenteric lymphnodes noted in the right iliac region, largest measuring ~15 x 6 mm with poorly maintained fatty hilum.   Images Conclusion:...

A case of acute/subacute appendicitis

Acute/subacute appendicitis Age: 11 Sex: Male Introduction: Case study: RIF: Mild probe tenderness present. Appendix visualized measures ~8 mm with partially compressible lumen. Minimal free fluid collection noted adjacent to the tip of appendix measuring ~16 x 8 mm....