

Acute cholecystitis with cholelithiasis

Name: Ajayakumar Age: 49 Yrs Sex: Male Complaints: H/o right upper quadrant pain Introduction: Case study:  The gall bladder is distended and shows thickened, echogenic walls measuring ~5.5 mm in thickness. Two calculi (less echogenic) noted in the body, largest...

Inguinal hernia

Name: Sasidharan Age: 67 Yrs Sex: Male Complaints: To r/o right inguinal hernia Introduction: Case study:  An abdominal wall defect measuring ~25 mm noted in the right inguinal region with herniation of omental fat and bowel loops as content. Cough impulse positive....

Inguino-scrotal Hernia

Name: Guljar Hussain Age: 28 Yrs Sex: Male Complaints: H/o lower abdominal pain. Introduction: Case study:  An abdominal wall defect measuring ~33 mm noted in the right inguinal region with herniation of omental fat and bowel loop as content extending into the...

Acute appendicitis with appendicolith

Name: Podiyamma Age: 72 Yrs Sex: Female Complaints: To r/o renal calculi. Introduction: Images Case study:  RIF: Mild probe tenderness present. Appendix visualized enlarged, measures ~10 mm and shows a calculus measuring ~5.3 mm at the tip. Periappendiceal...

Diffuse mesenteric lymphadenopathy

Name: Sabith Age: 3 Yrs Sex: Male Complaints: H/o abdominal pain. Introduction: Case study:  RIF: No probe tenderness present. Appendix visualized, appears normal. No evidence of free fluid.  Numerous enlarged mesenteric lymphnodes noted in the umbilical and bilateral...

Gall bladder hydrops

Name: Padmakumari Age: 71 Yrs Sex: Female Complaints: H/o fall. Introduction: Case study:  The gall bladder is over distended. Well defined echogenic sludge ball measuring ~16 x 15 mm seen impacted at the neck. The wall thickness appears normal. Images Conclusion:...

Congenital bladder wall lesion

Name: Bavith Age: 6 months Sex: Male Complaints: H/o hematuria Introduction: Case study:  The urinary bladder is distended. There are no calculi. Posterior bladder wall appear diffusely thickened with lobulated mass like appearance, maximum thickness ~7.8 mm. Multiple...

Urinary bladder wall neoplasm

Name: Vijayan Age: 76 Yrs Sex: Male Complaints: Introduction:  C/o hematuria Case study:  Urinary bladder is partially distended. There are no calculi or trabeculae. Well defined polypoidal mass lesion with significant internal vascularity measuring ~4.5 x 3.7 cm...

Horseshoe Kidney

Name: Bagini Age: 78 Yrs Sex: Female Complaints: Lower abdominal pain Introduction: Case study:  Both kidneys are seen joining at their lower poles and seen in the midline. The left kidney is seen partially in the renal fossa. Images Conclusion: Both kidneys are seen...

Normal Appendix

Age: 40 Sex: Male Complaints: General check-up Case study:  RIF: No probe tenderness present. Appendix visualized, measures ~4.3 mm. No evidence of free fluid/lymphadenopathy. Images: Conclusion: A well defined tubular structure with central linear hyperechogenicity...